Jaluzele de interior si exterior

Va oferim o game diversificata de jaluzele orizontale si verticale intr-o game diversificata de modele si culori


Oferim in functie de preferintele dumenavoastra rolete de interior,rolete de zi/noapte, prtecum si rolete pentru mansarde

Plase pentru insecte

Plasel pentru insecte produse de firma noastra sunt o solutie sigura pentru a avea un somn linistitor. 

Produsele noastre

Produse oferite pentru confortul dumneavoastra


Jaluzelele au reprezentat dintotdeauna cea mai buna alegere pentru controlul luminozitatii unei incaperi


Confectionate din aluminiu, rulourile exterioare sunt dotate cu sistem de actionare manuala sau automat.


Plissele sunt un sistem inovator in domeniul tehnicilor de umbrire. Sistemul este compatibil pe orice tip de tamplarie.


Roletele textile reprezinta solutia ideala la clasicele perdele si jaluzele, creând intimitate pe tot parcursul zilei.

Mega menu is a perfect choice for creating unique large menus since it has been a new and growing web design trend lately. Regular drop-down menus only show text alone or text and icons vertically in a single column. However, mega menus are able to show all the options in one large panel, so visitors can easily reach most pages no matter where they are.

All JSN templates allow you to create a mega menu for site navigation and usability enhancement. They provide a visual way to create a mega menu with clicks and drag-n-drop function, without touching a single line of code.

Support multiple types of content

Our Megamenu allows you to display a lot of content in menu item such as text, images and videos in multiple columns. You can choose one of 3 element types including Joomla module, Submenu and Position to present your content in Megamenu.


Easy to use

With JSN templates, all settings can be done via template parameters in the section Megamenu. You can find it easy to build the skeleton and add elements to make the content of mega menu based upon your need with no coding skills required.

Menu megamenu setting

Mobila Griga

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JSN Gruve 2 is designed by JoomlaShine.com | powered by JSN Sun Framework