Jaluzele de interior si exterior

Va oferim o game diversificata de jaluzele orizontale si verticale intr-o game diversificata de modele si culori


Oferim in functie de preferintele dumenavoastra rolete de interior,rolete de zi/noapte, prtecum si rolete pentru mansarde

Plase pentru insecte

Plasel pentru insecte produse de firma noastra sunt o solutie sigura pentru a avea un somn linistitor. 

Produsele noastre

Produse oferite pentru confortul dumneavoastra


Jaluzelele au reprezentat dintotdeauna cea mai buna alegere pentru controlul luminozitatii unei incaperi


Confectionate din aluminiu, rulourile exterioare sunt dotate cu sistem de actionare manuala sau automat.


Plissele sunt un sistem inovator in domeniul tehnicilor de umbrire. Sistemul este compatibil pe orice tip de tamplarie.


Roletele textile reprezinta solutia ideala la clasicele perdele si jaluzele, creĆ¢nd intimitate pe tot parcursul zilei.

We have been developing JSN Gruve for more than a year and that tremendous amount of time allowed us to roll out some really advanced stuff. For us, the word “advanced” is not just fancy marketing buzz, but really something that you will not likely see anywhere else.

Easy to Start

JSN Gruve provides unique mechanism of installing sample data on directly your current website. Just few clicks and the demo website is here.

More about sample data

Mobile Ready

JSN Gruve provides special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.

More about mobile support

Painless Configuration

JSN Gruve provides 40+ template parameters for super flexible template configuration. All parameters are nicely arranged in multiple sections in template settings page for easy access.

More about template configuration

Image Gallery

The image gallery you see on this website is cool product JSN ImageShow. You can use this product to show either professional photo portfolio or your family album.

More about JSN ImageShow

RTL Layout

All JoomlaShine templates are equipped with native RTL layout support. We tweak every tiny details to make template look absolutely awesome in RTL mode.

More about RTL layout

JSN Uniform

The powerful features of JSN UniForm will surely amazed you when first met. Easy-to-use, free from extreme technical knowledge, but still so practical, tons of form is all in your hand!

More about JSN Uniform

Mobila Griga

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JSN Gruve 2 is designed by JoomlaShine.com | powered by JSN Sun Framework